Day: February 20, 2022


Handicraft of ladakh

Ladakh pose a unique place for its exquisite craftsmanship. The handicraft of Leh- Ladakh projects the unique art and cultural heritage of the region. Most Art and Crafts in Leh-Ladakh serve the need of the local people. For many it’s the main source of earning livelihood. In the yesteryears, most lavish articles were acquired through […]

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Momos, food of Ladakh

Food in Ladakh: 10 must-try local dishes and drinks

Food is a means to provide important insights into the culture and history of a place. Since Ladakh is rich in culture and history, eating food in Ladakh is similar to taking a trip down the memory lane and reliving the history that this region has to offer. One of the best parts of travelling […]

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