Day: January 25, 2024


Empowering Girls: Celebrating National Girl Child Day in Tangtse with a Focus on Government Initiatives

National Girl Child Day was commemorated at the Primary Healthcare Centre in Tangtse on January 24. The event shed light on various issues concerning girls and highlighted government initiatives aimed at addressing these concerns. During the event, discussions centered around government schemes focusing on the nutrition, health, and education of girls. Schemes such as the […]

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Ladakh Delegation Advocates for Academic and Employment Opportunities in Meeting with Lieutenant Governor

A delegation, led by Dr. Mansoor Ali and comprised of PhD holders in Agriculture, Horticulture, and Veterinary Science from Ladakh, met with the Lieutenant Governor of Ladakh, Brigadier (Dr) BD Mishra (Retd), at the Lieutenant Governor’s Secretariat on January 24. The delegation included Advisor Dr. Pawan Kotwal, Principal Secretary Sanjiv Khirwar, ADGP Ladakh Dr. SD […]

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