Cultural Academy, Leh organises literary seminar and symposium

Two-day literary seminar and symposium themed, ‘Development of Literature in Ladakh’ started on April 29 at Hotel Zen Ladakh.

The day was organised by Academy of Arts, Culture & Languages, Leh. Two books titled Ri-Mos-bSad (Sketch Says) authored by Ven Thupstan Paldan and Ladakh Review Vol.8 published by Nawang Tsering Shakspo were released during the seminar as a part of Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav.

Chief Guest of the occasion, Member of Parliament, Jamyang Tsering Namgyal thanked everyone for organising such seminars and also highlighted measures to preserve the traditional history, art, culture and language. He also emphasized on inclusion of certain important historical aspects in the school syllabus so that the upcoming generation will be more aware of their lineage.

Five prominent scholars/writers of Ladakh including Dr Jamyang Gyalson, Ven Thupstan Paldan, Dr Nawang Tsering, Dr Lobzang Tsewang and Stanzin Mingur presented papers on various topics on the Development of Bhoti Language and Literature in Ladakh.

Executive Councillor for Art & Culture, LAHDC Leh, Stanzin Chosphel expressed that this kind of literacy function and seminars need to be organised at regular intervals with the involvement of youths. He added that this will encourage and educate the young generation. He also informed the gathering regarding the plans and vision of the current Hill Council to strengthen and preserve the local culture, tradition and languages.

A threadbare discussion and interaction session was also held at the seminar.

The second half of the seminar started with a poetry session, several scholars/poets including Khanpo Konchok Namtak; Tashi Lanzes; Stanzin Lamo; Konchok Tsetan; Rinchen Dadul; Tsering Dorjee; Tsering Dolker; Stanzin Tsetan and Tsering Tashi participated in the seminar.

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