EC Works, LAHDC, Kargil, Mubarak Shah Naqvi reviewed the physical and financial achievements of the Industrial Estate of Kargil and Drass for the financial year 2022-2023 at the Council Secretariat on November 29.
The EC took a detailed review of various ongoing developmental works from the concerned officers of the departments. He directed the concerned officers to submit details of various developmental works about their departments.
He stressed to the concerned officer to accelerate the pace of work given the short working season and directed the concerned officials to bore well at Industrial Estate Changrathang, Kargil within three days and speed up the work before the winter season.
He also said that disputes during the execution of works should be resolved at the earliest. The EC also asked the concerned department to present the work done to estimate and DPRs for justification.
The concerned officials suggested a joint visit on-site too which the EC scheduled a site visit to Drass on Friday, December 2.