Empowering Change: Nayi Chetna 2.0 Campaign Addresses Gender-Based Violence and Promotes Awareness in Leh

In observance of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, the Nayi Chetna 2.0 campaign targeting gender-based violence is set to take place from November 25 to December 22.

As part of this initiative, the District Hub for Empowerment of Women Leh organized an awareness program focused on the elimination of violence against women. Commencing on November 30 at Government Higher Secondary School for Girls in Leh, a comprehensive five-day program was launched to educate the student community on gender-based violence, mental health, and menstrual hygiene. This program is orchestrated by the Directorate of Social and Tribal Welfare Department UT Ladakh under the banner of Mission Shakti.

Shahida Parveen, the Central Administrator, provided insights into Mission Shakti, while Councilor Rinchen Dolker delivered a presentation emphasizing the significance of mental health. Dolker discussed prevalent mental health conditions and outlined measures to assist victims.

Addressing gender-based violence, case worker Shamima provided detailed information on the services available at the one-stop center in Leh.

The event concluded with District Mission Coordinator Diskit Lhadol shedding light on the importance of menstrual hygiene and health. Following her presentation, an engaging question and answer session took place.

The school’s principal and staff members expressed appreciation for the impactful program, urging the organizing team to continue hosting such events in the future.

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