Empowering Women Through Technology: Panel Discussion on International Women’s Day

In celebration of International Women’s Day, a panel discussion was organized by the Department of Social and Tribal Welfare and Information and Public Relations on the theme set by the UN, “DigitALL: Innovation and technology for gender equality.” The event featured prominent women achievers from various fields and officials of the UT Administration, who spoke about the positive impact of technological interventions in achieving their targets.

The first lady of UT Ladakh, Neelam Mishra, was the chief guest and emphasized the need for departments and organizations to develop roadmaps for sensitizing women on the usage of digital interventions. Commissioner Secretary Padma Angmo highlighted the advantages of e-office, One Stop centers, and emergency response systems, as well as digital interventions in education.

Panelists shared their experiences on the ease technology provides in terms of time management, work efficiency, and ensuring a convenient and safe work environment that promotes gender equity. Technological interventions in health, grass-roots representation, internet banking, and Aadhaar-based payments were also discussed.

The second session featured a group of young women entrepreneurs and professionals who discussed the future of work and business, empowering women with technology. This was the first hybrid event organized by the Department of Information and Public Relations, allowing both offline and online participation.

At the end of the event, Commissioner/Secretary Padma Angmo expressed her satisfaction with the hybrid format and stated that more such events should be organized in the future to facilitate wider participation. The panelists included women from various fields such as education, agriculture, art, and social media influencing.

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