Executive Councilor Tashi Visits Nimmu Padum Darcha Road Progress; Commends BRO’s Dedication in Challenging Terrain

Executive Councilor for Tourism/RD and Zanskar Affairs, LAHDC, Kargil, Punchok Tashi, visited the worksite of the Nimmu Padum Darcha road at Neraq Dett on May 14.

Junior Engineer Civil 114 RCC, Suman Kumar, accompanied by other officials from the Border Roads Organization (BRO) and a local social worker named Tashi Dorjay, provided a briefing on the progress made in rock cutting so far and the future plans to connect the remaining portion from Neraq to Chilling.

EC Tashi commended the officers, machine operator, and laborers for their sincere hard work and dedication in completing the assigned task. They recently completed the bridge at Neraq and the rock cutting between Neraq and Kilima. Once this portion of the road is finished, travelers from Padum to Leh will no longer have to navigate the steep slope before Lingshed.

There were 7 pork land excavator machines and 2 dozers working at the site. It is expected that the remaining 14 km will be completed within the next couple of years. Once finished, the distance between Leh and Padum will be approximately 175 km. Currently, traveling and crossing through Singela and Sirsirla, the distance from Leh to Padum is around 300 km.

The EC expressed appreciation for the logistic support, information, and encouragement provided by local social worker Tashi Dorjay, a retired SSB officer from Neraq village.

The BRO official also informed about the bravery and dedication of drilling machine operator Tsering Norbu from Zangla Zanskar. The operator’s efforts are helping them accomplish the task within the set time frame, and the EC recommended that the civil administration show their appreciation in any suitable form.

The Executive Councilor also conveyed gratitude on behalf of the people of Zanskar to all the BRO officials and laborers working in such a challenging terrain on the NPD road. The EC assured that they would recommend them to higher authorities for suitable commendations.

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