Leh to see Intensified Diarrhoea Control Fortnight from June 17 to 30

Into the griffins Welfare( H&FW) Department, Leh successfully launched the Intensified Diarrhoea Control Fortnight( IDCF) for getting observed from June 17 to 30.

Intensified Diarrhoea Control Week( IDCF) involves a set from activities to be implemented for an intensified manner for the prevention and control of fatalities among children due to lacks from diarrhoea across all Areas as well as UTs. These activities largely include- the intensification from advocacy as well as awareness generation actions for diarrhea management, strengthening assistance provision for diarrhoea case managing, the establishment of ORS a considerable Zinc corners by any means Health establishments, distribution of ORS by ASHA in households with under a considerable five children, and awareness creation activities for hygiene and sterilizing.

The chief guest with the system, Senior Regional Director, H&FW featured the value of the IDCF, as well as pivotal and crucial roles played out by ASHAs and ANMs from the prevention of diarrheal cases. Your woman spoke on the steps to undertake the IDCF activities, and target beneficiaries who are the mothers and children( below the age of 5 years).

Consultant, NHM RCH, Dr. Rinchen Angmo distributed measures for control of diarrhoea which is preventable. She spoken on the money necessary for awareness and distribution of ORS and Zinc tablets, and hand washing manifestations during Village Health, Nutrition along with Sanitation( VHNSs) gatherings.

District Immunization Officer, Dr. Diskit Dolma stated gratitude to everybody relating to the prosperous start of IDCF. She advised men and women to get alert during the monsoon time and stressed ASHA ‘s role and responsibility to look after every the children including non a considerable locals.

Dr. Shaziya Wafai even inaugurated the facility- level- based ORS Zinc Spot at SNM Hospital Leh. ORS and Zinc corners are proven at all Health Centers for the Leh district and happen to be available all free of charge .

For addition, she spoke in depth about accomplishing the goals from the IDCF program.

Chief Medical Officer, Leh, Medical professional Nurzin Angmo, Deputy Chief Medical Officer, Leh, Dr Manzoor a considerable ul- Haq, District Overall health Officer, Dr Skarma Yountan, Point out National Health Mission( NHM) Reproductive: Chile Health( RCH) Consultant, Medical professional Rinchen Angmo, officials of Overall health Department and ASHA personnel from Leh town were present.

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