Preparation for Electoral Duties: Training Session in Leh Education Department

In preparation for the upcoming general election of 2024, training was held for employees of the education department at Sindhu Sanskriti Kendra, Leh, on April 20. The training session was led by Rigzin Namgyal, Senior Lecturer in the Education Department, and Lobzang Gura Susheel, Senior Librarian from the Libraries and Research Department.

The training commenced with an overview of duties, focusing on a comprehensive understanding of laws, regulations, and guidelines established by the Election Commission of India. Topics included proper handling of EVM/VVPAT machines and instructions on applying for postal ballot EDC if necessary.

Roles and responsibilities of polling staff, particularly the presiding officer who oversees the polling station, were thoroughly covered. The duties of three polling officers were outlined: verifying voter identity and marking their finger, maintaining the voter register, and operating the EVM control unit.

Emphasis was placed on the necessity for polling stations to be approved by the ECI, as any polling conducted at an unapproved location would be invalid. Procedures for handling the electoral roll and ASD list were discussed, along with activities to be conducted on polling day.

Mock poll procedures were briefed, scheduled to commence 90 minutes before the actual poll. Topics included sealing the control unit, setting up EVMs and VVPATs, and addressing special situations such as voting by visually impaired or infirm voters.

The session concluded with a reminder to close the poll at the designated time, even in cases of delayed start.

Photo Caption: Senior Lecturer Rigzin Namgyal leads training for Education Department staff in Leh.

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