

Kargil Gears Up for 10th Yoga Day with Focus on Women’s Empowerment

Additional Deputy Commissioner of Kargil, Suhail Ahmed, chaired a meeting to finalize plans for the upcoming 10th Yoga Day celebrations in Kargil, scheduled for June 21, 2024. The meeting focused on coordinating yoga sessions across multiple venues, including the main event at Khree Sultan Cho Stadium, Biamathang, and at all Higher Secondary Schools and Panchayat […]

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Empowering Environmental Stewards: World Environment Day Commemoration in Kargil

Krishi Vigyan Kendra Kargil, in partnership with Girls Higher Secondary School, observed World Environment Day on June 5th at the Syed Mehdi Auditorium Hall, Kargil. The event was graced by the presence of Chief Education Officer Kargil, S. D. Namgyal, as the chief guest. It commenced with a recitation of the holy Quran, followed by […]

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Biodiversity Awareness Day: Uniting for Conservation at Government Degree College, Drass

Government Degree College, Drass, commemorated International Biodiversity Day on May 22, under the supervision of Principal Dr. Amjad Ali Abbasi. The event, themed “Be Part of the Plan,” aimed to foster awareness regarding the critical importance of biodiversity conservation and the pressing need for collective action. Dr. Imtiyaz Hussain, Assistant Professor of Botany, spearheaded the […]

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International Day of Zero Waste

The NSS Wing of the University of Ladakh, in partnership with Zero Waste Ladakh (NGO), hosted an event commemorating the ‘International Day of Zero Waste’ at the Leh Campus on March 30. The primary objective of the event was to raise awareness about the significance and application of zero waste principles in daily life. Volunteers […]

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Green Futures: Celebrating World Forests Day with KGBV School

The Nyoma Forest Department marked World Forests Day at Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalaya (KGBV) School on March 21st. The event was honored by the presence of Spenba Tsering, Chairman of the Village Education Committee, and Tsewang Dorjey, Range Forest Officer. Emphasizing the significance of the occasion, the Forest Department organized painting competitions for students centered […]

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Green Collaboration: Celebrating the International Day of Forests

The Khaltse Forest Department, in partnership with the Khaltse Residential Hostel, commemorated the International Day of Forests on March 21st. This year’s theme was ‘Forests and Innovation: New Solutions for a Better World.’ Tsering Dadul, the Forest Range Officer of Khaltse, delivered an overview of the significance of the International Day of Forests. The event […]

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Leh Hosts Vibrant World Social Justice Day Dialogue

On February 21st, the spirit of social justice resonated through Leh Elders village as Helpage India, along with the People’s Action Group for Inclusion and Rights (PAGIR) and District Legal Services Authority (DLSA), organized a thought-provoking event in honor of World Social Justice Day. Advocate Neema Stanzin, Deputy Legal Aid Counsel, shed light on the […]

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Empowering Girls: Celebrating National Girl Child Day in Tangtse with a Focus on Government Initiatives

National Girl Child Day was commemorated at the Primary Healthcare Centre in Tangtse on January 24. The event shed light on various issues concerning girls and highlighted government initiatives aimed at addressing these concerns. During the event, discussions centered around government schemes focusing on the nutrition, health, and education of girls. Schemes such as the […]

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Kargil Gathers for 27th National Youth Festival: Prime Minister’s Virtual Address Inspires Youth on National Youth Day

On January 12, the District Administration of Kargil organized a program at the Auditorium Hall in Kargil to participate in the Prime Minister’s virtual address during the 27th National Youth Festival held in Nashik, Maharashtra. Prime Minister Narendra Modi virtually inaugurated the 27th National Youth Festival in Nasik and delivered a speech addressing the youth […]

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Government Model Degree College Zanskar’s Vibrant Celebration of National Sports Day

Government Model Degree College Zanskar observed National Sports Day with immense enthusiasm on August 29th. This event, dedicated to the memory of the legendary sportsman Major Dhyan Chand, marked a significant milestone in showcasing the college’s unwavering commitment to providing comprehensive education. The festivities commenced with an inspiring address by Mustafa Ali, the College Director […]

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