

Kargil Gears Up for 10th Yoga Day with Focus on Women’s Empowerment

Additional Deputy Commissioner of Kargil, Suhail Ahmed, chaired a meeting to finalize plans for the upcoming 10th Yoga Day celebrations in Kargil, scheduled for June 21, 2024. The meeting focused on coordinating yoga sessions across multiple venues, including the main event at Khree Sultan Cho Stadium, Biamathang, and at all Higher Secondary Schools and Panchayat […]

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Ladakh’s Path to Empowerment: Skills, Education, and Entrepreneurship

Retired Brigadier (Dr.) BD Mishra, the Lieutenant Governor of Ladakh, inaugurated four Skill Sector Centers and Laboratories specializing in Mushroom Culture, High-Altitude Trekking Guide, Graphic Design, and Jam and Jelly Production Technician at Eliezer Joldan Memorial College, Leh. This ceremony took place on March 12, with Advocate Tashi Gyalson, the Chairman of LAHDC Leh, in […]

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