

Progress Review: BSNL 4G Saturation Project in Ladakh Gains Momentum

Lieutenant Governor of Ladakh, Brigadier (Dr) BD Mishra (Retd), conducted a review of BSNL’s 4G saturation project in Ladakh on June 13. During the meeting, Sandeep Govil, Director (Mobile) of BSNL Board, New Delhi, presented an update on the progress of installing 4G towers across Ladakh. Govil reported that the project is scheduled for completion […]

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Advancing Sustainable Energy: Evaluating the Puga Geothermal Project in Ladakh

The Advisor to the Union Territory of Ladakh, Dr Kotwal chaired a virtual meeting to accurately evaluate the completion of the Puga geothermal project. The meeting aimed to scrutinise the status of the project, chart a comprehensive roadmap, and proactively identify and address potential challenges to its progress. The meeting was marked by discussions and […]

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Empowering Girls: Celebrating National Girl Child Day in Tangtse with a Focus on Government Initiatives

National Girl Child Day was commemorated at the Primary Healthcare Centre in Tangtse on January 24. The event shed light on various issues concerning girls and highlighted government initiatives aimed at addressing these concerns. During the event, discussions centered around government schemes focusing on the nutrition, health, and education of girls. Schemes such as the […]

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Green hydrogen project to become launched in Ladakh

Ladakh Administration signed a memorandum from understanding for that establishment from two pilot green hydrogen solutions while using the National Hydroelectric Power Firm Limited( NHPC) on July 18. CEO, NHPC Renewable Energy In short supply , A. K Pathak apprised the officials about the background from Green Hydrogen, Production/ Working of Hydrogen Technology, Hydrogen Pilot Project, Kargil/ Leh, Present Status of Start Projects, among others. Lieutenant Texas chief, UT Ladakh, Radha Krishna Mathur urged NHPCL to ensure the fact the high cost on hydrogen fuel is certainly not costlier than every other gets hotter. He further directed NHPCL to develop a blueprint of hydrogen– based energy for Ladakh. NHPCL ‘s cooperation was highly liked by CEC/ Chairman, LAHDC, Leh, Tashi Gyalson. He declared that with all the growing danger of local climate change as a result of excessive release from carbon emissions, Ladakh is researching to completely clean energy alternatives to restore traditional non-renewable fuels. Because of this , he informed the officials concerning the ongoing and upcoming and in addition carbon neutral projects. Furthermore, he exhausted working towards sustainable development. CEC/ Chairman, LAHDC, Kargil, Feroz Ahmed Khan stressed that climate change can be quite a major threat to Ladakh. Therefore, major collective steps should certainly be taken to tackle the devastating effects of climate transformation. Secretary Power and New Replenishable Energy, Ravinder Kumar said the fact that the establishment with the 2 start projects in Ladakh was some historic moment. He declared the green hydrogen project is one other step towards achieving “Carbon Basic Ladakh“ and the Power Office is also working away at geothermal ability projects. The Secretary further pressed NHPC regarding decarbonizing transport to promote carbon– neutral freedom to help fight climate transformation. This initiative is really a noticeably raise on the best Minister ‘s vision from the ‘carbon neutral‘ Ladakh. The MoU will support Ladakh develop a carbon a considerable free economy based on replenishable sources and green hydrogen.

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