

Advancing Sustainable Energy: Evaluating the Puga Geothermal Project in Ladakh

The Advisor to the Union Territory of Ladakh, Dr Kotwal chaired a virtual meeting to accurately evaluate the completion of the Puga geothermal project. The meeting aimed to scrutinise the status of the project, chart a comprehensive roadmap, and proactively identify and address potential challenges to its progress. The meeting was marked by discussions and […]

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Ladakh’s Scientific Ascent: Secretary Amit Sharma Guides UT’s Innovation Odyssey at India International Science Festival 2023

Amit Sharma, the Administrative Secretary of Science and Technology in the Union Territory of Ladakh, participated in the India International Science Festival 2023 held in Faridabad, Haryana (NCR Delhi) on January 19. The four-day event brought together notable figures from various parts of the country and attracted participants from over 20 countries, including Argentina, South […]

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Secretary Agriculture :Ladakh has huge potential in organic vegetable export

Admin Agriculture and Horticulture UT Ladakh, Ravinder Kumar, IAS, visited the DIHAR– DRDO campus about September 13 then made your tour of Agri Horti field actions being completed by the institution. Director DIHAR– DRDO Dr. Chaurasia apprised the Admin about improved kinds of vegetables and fruits developed besides research many of these large Pumpkin, Reg, Green and Yellow Capsicum, Brinjal, Lady ‘s ring finger and other high produce and high– income crops, and so forth . The Secretary directed both the Agriculture and Horticulture departments in UT Ladakh to arrange modern farmers ‘visits to study about the new technologies and varieties of plants/ fruits developed to get Ladakh. Director DRDO informed the Secretary that DRDO is organizing to introduce new varieties in plants/ fruits for the UT in Ladakh in the days to come.

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