

Empowering Young Girls in Meteorology: Training and Creativity at Meteorological Centre Srinagar

“Meteorological Center Srinagar Empowers Young Girls from Kargil with Training Program” On June 24, the Meteorological Centre Srinagar organized a one-day training program aimed at introducing basic meteorological observation and forecasting to the young girls of team Stringmo from Kargil, Ladakh. The initiative sought to empower and educate participants by deepening their understanding of weather […]

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His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s Teachings: Engaging Young Tibetans in Debate and Admiration

Thekchen Chöling, Dharamsala, HP, India – After His Holiness the Dalai Lama arrived in the Tsuglagkhang this morning, the second session of teachings for young Tibetans opened with the recitation of a verse of admiration for His Holiness and his accomplishments. Next, members of the Introduction to Buddhism Course, adult women and men, engaged in […]

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Maqsooma: Kargil’s young cricket sensation

Secretary, Youth Services and Sports, UT Ladakh, Ravinder Kumar announced a complete cricket set to Kaksar High School in Kargil after a video of Maqsooma, a class 6th student speaking about her passion for cricket went viral. In the video, Maqsooma acknowledges the support and training she receives from her father at home and her […]

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